analytica Lab India is South Asia’s leading marketplace for laboratory technologies and analytical instruments. The trade fair brings together international and domestic manufacturers, laboratory users, consultants, and key government officials on one platform, creating an ideal environment for networking and fostering business collaborations among industry professionals.
analytica Lab India is part of the global exhibition network, which includes analytica in Munich, analytica China, analytica Vietnam, and analytica Lab Africa.
With its reach spanning the entire country, the Mumbai edition targets industries such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, research institutes, and cosmetics, covering the entire West and North Indian regions. Meanwhile, the Hyderabad edition focuses on pharmaceuticals, food, nutraceuticals, research institutes, and laboratories, covering the entire South and East Indian regions.
New Additions in 2024:
These new additions reaffirm analytica Lab India’s commitment to being a comprehensive hub for innovation, knowledge exchange, and business growth in the analytical and laboratory industry.
Why you should be there
The analytica Lab India Conference gives you access to scientific expertise. Practice-oriented events ensure a direct transfer of know-how.
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